Our Book

If you've been following us for a little while now, you know that Lorelei and I are writing a jewelry-making book all about creating beaded jewelry with leather, ribbon and cords. Well, a lot has happened with our little book project! And, now we can finally let you know what's going on. The direction of our book has changed just slightly since the inception over a year ago and one of the biggest changes to happen is our book's title. The working title was "A Jewelry Accord". Now, we can officially announce the book and even share the cover! We present to you:

Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry: 50 Designs Using Leather, Ribbons, and Cords

That's Lorelei's necklace and my earrings on the cover! We are so excited to share this with you! The book is available on Amazon for pre-order! I can't even believe I'm saying that, right now.

I really want to thank everyone for the support and enthusiasm you have shown us for this endeavor over the past year while we've been working on this book! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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