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Lorelei and I traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the Bead and Button Show, June 8, 9 and 10th. We roomed with the lovely mother and daughter team Pam Wynn and Heather Wynn Millican. We couldn't have asked for a sweeter family to spend time with.
 Lorelei Eurto with Heather Wynn Millican of Swoon Dimples

At the show, we had our book, Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry displayed at Melanie Brooks' Earthenwood Studio booth. We had a book signing at her booth on Saturday, June 9th from 2-4 p.m. We're grateful to Melanie for giving us the opportunity to be there and have our book represented at this renowned show.
Melanie Brooks at her Earthenwood Studio booth #1227

A great big highlight of our weekend at the show was meeting our book editor, Michelle Mach and also contributing designer, Tracy Statler. I think we would have made the trip just for the opportunity to meet these two ladies. It was such as pleasure to meet them in person and chat a bit.
Erin Siegel, Tracy Statler and Lorelei Eurto

THANK YOU to all who stopped by to meet us and have your books signed! 
We're looking forward to seeing you at the next show.

If you're interested in hearing more about our trip to Bead and Button, please visit our individual blogs. Lorelei, Tracy and I each blogged about our experiences at the show. Below are the links to the Bead and Button posts:


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